We have researched and combined as much information as we could for the 351 Cities and Town in Massachusett’s to determine the likely hood of getting your LTC. Unfortunately, many Cities take it upon themselves to essentially make up their own laws and deny you a LTC. Green Cities are known to follow the laws as they are written and if you are a person that is allowed to have a LTC you should have no problem acquiring one. The cities in orange and red however will either restrict you or just deny you unless you have an extremely good reason as determined by the local police chief. You can click on any City/Town for more information that we have, the information contained in each page will grow over time and please feel free to let us know if there is anything that needs updating.
GREEN Should issue full “ALP” LTC without issue, ORANGE WIll most likely issue a restricted LTC the first time but will generally remove the restriction on renewal, RED Rarely issues “ALP” LTC if at all, BLUE Unknown status, Please contact us if you have any information.